"Moscow Massacre" : Why do ppl cry ?
Don't know if I got that title right. "Moscow Massacre" !!
Well, happened to come across this news about a fire which broke out at a Moscow based rehabilitation center and happened to see these pictures here.
Kept staring at them for some time.

Why o why do people cry ? , Ofcourse I am not supposed to be asking such a question.
U know it !!!
Every body knows it !!!
What a feeling this is to loose somebody ... just like thaaat.
How amazing isn't it,
"here he was or here she was with me yesterday", "we were sitting there ",
"he was telling me this",
"I could still feel her breath",
"this is what he used to like the most"
"that was her favorite color"
"this was his favorite dish"
The "is" becomes a "was" in just a blink.
You can't believe it, you don't want to believe it.
The heart is not willing to accept the reality.
Thats when the eyes get wet. The heart becomes cold and your face starts to twitch and you seem to be performing the most the most moving act of "crying".
Well it moved me a lot. Felt more sick when I found that it was a drug rehabilitation center and 45 women were killed. And the next day there was a fire in another place were mentally challenged kids were being treated.
You know the word "massacre" makes it sound really big, and may be a news head line which reads "2 died in a bus accident" won't find its way to the front page of a news paper.
But I feel it doesn't really matter whether there are 45 dead or 2, the pain is the same.
I Feel that the real massacre happens within, when you loose someone you love.
For all your life you are bereaved, you are bereaved of each of those beautiful moment that you spent with them.
Look at that third picture, the lady looks pretty old and ofcourse this means she lost somebody younger than her. That must have felt terrible. She would have probably seen that person grow up, and there she is trying to believe that he/she doesn't exists any more.
Looking at that first picture, I kind a felt the same pain,
Any ways that will get over soon.
May be people might say "hey you are over reacting" , come on grow up dude.
I dont really care !!!
Over the years I some how realized something about myself. I guess I discussed this with a couple of colleagues a few months back.
May be I am visually very sensitive, all I mean to say is that my brains visual senses are a lot stronger than other normal senses.
Be it solving a problem , or be it remembering somebody's face.
If a problem is explained to me visually say with some diagrams I would rather understand it better and probably even solve it faster.
Even when it comes to remembering images, say about remembering a person,
I would always remember somebody by face or rather remember faces for ever. But when it comes to names or some non-visual content , I tend to forget things as any body else.
Oh well while writing these very lines above, I realize one more thing, that this is probably the reason why I remember my dreams so well.
and its not just my visual receptiveness, I kind of also react more prominently,
Thats just one reason I wanted express my self when I saw these pictures.
I somehow tend to observe the world around me very closely, I observe people, places and things in a different way. May be I am saying it out loud, but the fact is , I never intend to, the mind just tends to do it naturally.
Well to be frank I am attracted to beautiful things and beautiful people or rather I would put it this way, that my reactions are more stronger than normal people when I see something beautiful around me. Although I wont claim it loud, but those images do get registered in my mind for long.
Be it anything a picture, a girl, a car or a cute little puppy.
No wonder I am like "WoW, what a beauty" when I look at an attractive female ? They are like a piece of art :) , the only problem is that you cant keep staring at them, no matter how much you want to, though you can go on looking at a beautiful lake or a picture for as long as you get bored,
But that isn't the case when humans are involved except when they are kids.
Anyways !!!
Would love to be a photographer someday, want to capture all those different kind of emotions people go through, capture this whole picturesque world around me.
I kind of feel it when I watch it.
Its one of the most amazing things about life.
Chaaalo then !! see you later...
Well, happened to come across this news about a fire which broke out at a Moscow based rehabilitation center and happened to see these pictures here.
Kept staring at them for some time.

Why o why do people cry ? , Ofcourse I am not supposed to be asking such a question.
U know it !!!
Every body knows it !!!
What a feeling this is to loose somebody ... just like thaaat.
How amazing isn't it,
"here he was or here she was with me yesterday", "we were sitting there ",
"he was telling me this",
"I could still feel her breath",
"this is what he used to like the most"
"that was her favorite color"
"this was his favorite dish"
The "is" becomes a "was" in just a blink.
You can't believe it, you don't want to believe it.
The heart is not willing to accept the reality.
Thats when the eyes get wet. The heart becomes cold and your face starts to twitch and you seem to be performing the most the most moving act of "crying".
Well it moved me a lot. Felt more sick when I found that it was a drug rehabilitation center and 45 women were killed. And the next day there was a fire in another place were mentally challenged kids were being treated.
You know the word "massacre" makes it sound really big, and may be a news head line which reads "2 died in a bus accident" won't find its way to the front page of a news paper.
But I feel it doesn't really matter whether there are 45 dead or 2, the pain is the same.
I Feel that the real massacre happens within, when you loose someone you love.
For all your life you are bereaved, you are bereaved of each of those beautiful moment that you spent with them.
Look at that third picture, the lady looks pretty old and ofcourse this means she lost somebody younger than her. That must have felt terrible. She would have probably seen that person grow up, and there she is trying to believe that he/she doesn't exists any more.
Looking at that first picture, I kind a felt the same pain,
Any ways that will get over soon.
May be people might say "hey you are over reacting" , come on grow up dude.
I dont really care !!!
Over the years I some how realized something about myself. I guess I discussed this with a couple of colleagues a few months back.
May be I am visually very sensitive, all I mean to say is that my brains visual senses are a lot stronger than other normal senses.
Be it solving a problem , or be it remembering somebody's face.
If a problem is explained to me visually say with some diagrams I would rather understand it better and probably even solve it faster.
Even when it comes to remembering images, say about remembering a person,
I would always remember somebody by face or rather remember faces for ever. But when it comes to names or some non-visual content , I tend to forget things as any body else.
Oh well while writing these very lines above, I realize one more thing, that this is probably the reason why I remember my dreams so well.
and its not just my visual receptiveness, I kind of also react more prominently,
Thats just one reason I wanted express my self when I saw these pictures.
I somehow tend to observe the world around me very closely, I observe people, places and things in a different way. May be I am saying it out loud, but the fact is , I never intend to, the mind just tends to do it naturally.
Well to be frank I am attracted to beautiful things and beautiful people or rather I would put it this way, that my reactions are more stronger than normal people when I see something beautiful around me. Although I wont claim it loud, but those images do get registered in my mind for long.
Be it anything a picture, a girl, a car or a cute little puppy.
No wonder I am like "WoW, what a beauty" when I look at an attractive female ? They are like a piece of art :) , the only problem is that you cant keep staring at them, no matter how much you want to, though you can go on looking at a beautiful lake or a picture for as long as you get bored,
But that isn't the case when humans are involved except when they are kids.
Anyways !!!
Would love to be a photographer someday, want to capture all those different kind of emotions people go through, capture this whole picturesque world around me.
I kind of feel it when I watch it.
Its one of the most amazing things about life.
Chaaalo then !! see you later...
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