"James, Earn it , earn this"

Well watched this wonderful movie "Saving Private Ryan" yesterday
Yeah F.U.B.A.R was from the movie
here is a nice link : http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki
I don't know why but whenever I watch a war movie the whole body just shakes up. Its just makes me realize the truth and What Truth : "That there is no spoon"
Filled with a deep sense of realization.
What an act this is ... when a man kills another in a battle field. How could one just do that... cant thy feel the pain, the misery, the sorrow in thou enemies face
Saving Private Ryan - The mission is a man. Yes it was one man that they were after.
Would definitely like to quote this :
Upham: "War educates the senses, calls into action the will, perfects the physical constitution, brings men into such swift and close collision in critical moments that man measures man."
Upham was the german/french translator in the movie.
One more goes here
"Theirs is not to reason why, theirs is but to do or die."
Of course you all got it right , but I would like to paraphrase it once again
Its Referring to the soldiers who fight for no reason why. The only thing that they should care is to either do(kill) or die.
This movie just shook me.. absolutely mind blowing
I cant forget a couple of scenes in it
One of them was the very first one..
You see a soldier walking with his gear and then suddenly there is an explosion.
and then your see him without his right arm...
oh and what a scene it was , after the explosion he is searching for this right arm,
goodness me
he finds it and lifts it up with his left arm, looks at it and... moves on...
it was as though a mother was searching for her lost baby...
another one.
Hanks(captain Miller) is pulling an injured guy, and on the way there is a blast,
on this he happens to drop the fellow ... he manages has a narrow escape,
and after the smoke is gone he continues from where he left , starts pulling that guy over again.
but later realizes that the lower half of the fellow is missing,
had burnt out in the explosion, and its just a dead body that he was pulling..
that was really moving...
and a couple of scenes there..
during some serious combat , there are thunders all around..
suddenly it becomes all quite .. the noise is suddenly cut out ... and hanks is looking around ,.. observing things as they happen...
look into his eyes there.. they are crying of pain..they are crying for life ...they are crying for survival.....
he had lost 94 men under his command... and more numbers were on their way...

The whole movie was fantastic. Speilberg at his best I guess.
The storyline, and the way he has portrayed the emotions .... just toooo good.
The dialogues as is usually the case with any war movie are just great.
There are a lot of scenes that I liked,but this is one that I would remember for a long time.
Hanks is hit badly and is lying in Private Ryans arms, and he says "James, Earn it, Earn this"
and dies after it.
It meant earn this life, earn it,
Eight people came all the way to save yours and most of them are dead, and now here I am counting my last breath. Earn your life...
was just wondering about something in the morning..
how would it be like dying..
i mean every time i just watch these movies i see death in each of there eyes..
could u even imagine...
there would be absolutely nothing..not even nothing
we don't exist..... dust goes into dust.... and times stands still
i still remember long back i was discussing this with someone..
i guess it would have been when i was in school something like in my 11th or the 12th grade..
i guess it was after somebodies death...
i mean what remains.. of us all..nothing absolutely nothing...crazily nothing at all..
i remember when I had been to the funeral of one our relatives sometime in feb 2005.
his body was being burnt down to ashes, the images still flashes in my mind.
he had so much ... he was so powerful... rich.. ppl respected him .....and what remains now..
from so much to so less.. in just a moment....
thats the mystery of life... death comes as an end...inevitable ... ain't it.
you know its something like the way agent smith says it in the Matrix..
Agent Smith: You hear that Mr. Anderson?... That is the sound of inevitability... It is the sound of your death... Goodbye, Mr. Anderson...
Agent Smith: I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson.
you know its like, you can replace "Smith" with "Time" and try reading it again.
Reflects an ultimate truth of your life.
i believe that life is in every moment... not in the past and the future...
its just happening right now..
rest is all memories, ideas..... rest is all imagination...
i mean, this very moment there is one breath in and one breath out..what does it mean to be alive...
i would say life is rather not a journey..its a collection of short instances...
and you know may be wisdom is not in thinking about dying (dont know if i spelt it right), but its in enjoying every moment of ones life.
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